Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Antiques!

Last night I got some serious treasures when Matt's grandparents came over to my in-laws' house. They came over because my sister-in-law, Stephanie, turned 19 and we had cake and ice cream about it. After we finished eating, Grandma Knight said, "Let's play 'What's in Grandma's Crazy Grab-bag!'" In the bag she had some stuff they didn't use anymore, but thought we might like to have. Otherwise it was all going to the thrift store. 

In my opinion, I made out like a bandit! The treasure pictured above is a citrus juicer. You lift the handle, put a piece of citrus fruit in, and squeeze the handle all the way down. Then you pour the juice out of the spout!
This used to belong to Grandma Knight's mom. She used to sell WearEver Aluminum products. Basically these were like Pampered Chef items, but way cooler and way before Pampered Chef came around. In fact, WearEver revolutionized the way people cooked by introducing aluminum into cookware and bake ware. A lightweight metal that would seemingly wear forever? Awesome! *Update: Don't use aluminum cookware because you can get Alzheimer's from it!*Grandma Knight's mom would host dinners using her WearEver products and see who she could sell them to.

My other treasure used to be Grandpa Knight's mother's (but maybe his father's...). It's just a tea pot, right? No, the glorious thing about this tea pot is that it's electric. I suppose the idea was that if you went to a motel or something and you wanted to have some coffee or tea, you would just fill it up with water and whatever else and plug it in! If you look on the bottom right of the pot, there's a little place where you attach the electric cord. Pretty cool, huh? I thought so.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Weird Dreams.

(this picture doesn't belong to me, but I wish it did)
I dream very vividly and often. Maybe I just get really good sleep or something, I don't know. But I thought I would share some of my weirdo dreams with you.

First of all, I have reoccurring dreams. Well, it's not so much that I dream the same exact dream, more like the same basic dream. So different things will happen in the dream, but the concept and/or location are the same. I have farm dreams, pool dreams, ocean dreams, mountain dreams, and secret passage dreams.

Farm Dreams

Farm dreams always take place at my grandparents' farm outside of Pendleton. The thing that makes these dreams strange is that the surrounding area is usually really populated or lots of people go there for recreation. Like there are businesses and train stations. If you've ever been to the farm, you know that it's out in the middle of nowhere so you really feel like you're away from it all. I usually fly in these dreams, too. But lately there have been really popular swimming areas at the farm and sometimes the wheat fields are the Columbia River.

The other really odd things about these dreams are that my siblings and mom have them, too! Theirs are a bit different though. Some of them have farm dreams that are apocalyptic!

So last night I had a farm dream. It went something like this:

My family and I were going to go swimming down at the river. On the way there, Joe (my brother-in-law) was really upset because Cindy was hanging out with Cinna (from the Hunger Games). She wouldn't stop hanging out with him even though it was making Joe mad. (For the record, Cindy making Joe jealous is sooo not something I think she would do). When I finally got to the water, it was dark and cold outside, so I couldn't swim. That part made me quite annoyed. Then the dream changed and it was the next day or something. We went down the dirt road eastward to a different spot on the river. To get to the river, we had to walk through some brush. Among the brush were calf brain mushrooms.
(also not my picture)
When we got to the water and stepped in, I noticed there were calf brains in the water, too! They were attached to the rocks like sea sponges or anemones! That's when I also noticed they were attached to my ankles. I frantically tried to pull them off, but when I did, I could only really get the fruit of the mushroom detached. It was very painful when I tried to pull out the roots, so I gave up. A little while later I looked down and saw that one was trying to attach itself to my right thumb. I discovered that the calf brains attached by sending out a poisonous thread that would numb the skin and then burrow itself in you until it was secure. Luckily, I got the one off my thumb before it got in too deep. We finally decided to walk back up to the house and as we were walking I saw that all the calf brains were gone! I was so relieved to have them gone, but my ankle was pretty swollen.

Anyway, that's the kind of stuff I dream about. Very vividly. Farm dreams are the only kind of dreams I'm going to cover today. But stay tuned, because I dream almost every night!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New things.

I've been pretty excited about new things lately. So I want to post about them. You might have noticed right off the bat that there are now polka dots in the background! I love them!

Also, I cut my hair very short! Pixie! As you can see, I took a bunch of selfies. No shame, guys. No shame.

So that's what I look like now. Sometimes I have more product in my hair, and sometimes I try to put it up into a pompadour. But I don't have the right kind of product to do it justice yet (in my opinion).

Another thing that's new is my phone. I got an LG G2. I like it! It's lots of fun and I especially enjoy the camera.

This is not my picture, so that's why it says Verizon on the back. Matt and I switched to T-Mobile because they were running a great deal and we didn't like AT&T. Plus, no stinking contract this time! Yeehaw!

A picture I like that I took with the camera (the pictures above were also taken with the camera on the phone):

I guess I like it because the picture is sharp and detailed and it's a picture of the quilt my grandma made me for my high school graduation. It was one of the very last quilts she made (now she has Alzheimer's and doesn't make quilts anymore).

I also got contacts! Yay! See above pictures.

And finally, I am applying to BYU-Idaho so that Matt and I can go there in the fall. That's right, go there. Like to Rexburg. That should be fun going to a real university again! I've heard great things about BYU-Idaho, so I'm pretty excited.

Woohoo for a bunch of exciting new things in my life! New things for the new year!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hang on, guys.

Oh, hey there! I'm trying to change the way my blog looks right now, so if you're on my page right now, don't be alarmed that things look kind of crazy or stupid. They'll get better really soon. Okay, thanks bye.

UPDATE: Things are normal now. So if you still think things look crazy or stupid, keep it to yourself! Or email me with suggestions.